Top 3 meals of my life. Albi Restaurant at The Yards in Washington DC.

What Is AMTA – Alberta Motor Transport Association?

AMTA has its head office in Calgary, Alberta which represents the highway transportation industry both at the provincial and national levels. AMTA plays a leadership role in ensuring a safe workplace & nurturing a flourishing industry.

Algeciras Spain: Visiting An Old World City

Algeciras is a Spanish port city in the southern region of Andalusia on the Mediterranean Sea. The city of Algeciras is one of the closest Spanish cities to the African continent, Morocco being the closest Continental African country. It is worth making a note that though in English we say Algeciras, many locals and non-Andalusia Spaniards will more than likely pronounce it, AL-KA-THEE-RAS.

Things to Do in Oahu – Explore Honolulu

Honolulu is the iconic Hawaiian landmark and capital city on the island of Oahu. Considered to be the vibrant, beating heart of Hawaii, Honolulu has an electric combination of diverse culture and effervescent nightlife with all the stunning facets of a tropical island getaway. While still an island in America, the deep seated Polynesian cultural influences everywhere make this island the most delightful journey between past and present, resembling nothing of the modern day USA.

Living in Portugal: Must-See Attractions in Portugal

Whether you live in Portugal or you are planning to move to this country, there are a few places that you must visit. This European county was one of the five super powers of the colonial era, along with France, Spain, Netherlands, and Great Britain. Its rich cultural heritage and spectacular landscapes attract tens of thousands of tourists every year.

Moving to Portugal: Health Insurance in Portugal

Before moving to Portugal, it is important to learn more about the national health care system. You will find both public and private healthcare facilities in this country. The Portuguese health care system has encountered many changes after the government reforms in 2002. If you’re planning to move to this country or you already live here, buying health insurance is essential if you don’t want to pay hundreds of euros on healthcare.

Life in Portugal: Best Places to Retire in Portugal

Portugal has been voted the best place to live in Europe. With its ancient ruins, castles, and narrow streets that make you feel like you’ve fallen through a crack in time, this European country is a favorite destination for retirees.

Moving in the Pacific Palisades

Moving in the Pacific Palisades can be a stressful move if not approached properly. Make sure to hire a professional moving company to do the hard work for you while you enjoy a nice drink watching the beautiful Pacific Palisades’ sunset.

Vienna: A Young Traveller’s Guide

Vienna, Austria, is the perfect place for a young traveller- it’s very walkable, safe, not expensive, and most places offer student discounts to boot! Vienna is a city almost frozen in time with an abundance of grand Imperial architecture, a city dedicated to Classical and operatic music (try it, you’ll like it), a city dedicated to living well, with its own cuisine, with their own beer and wine industries, and a very active café life that’s popular with young people. It’s I think you’ll love Vienna and you won’t want to leave.

Is San Francisco America’s Sensual Capital?

When it comes to just plain day-to-day living, there are few better cities in America than San Francisco. Like its residents themselves, the city of San Francisco is kind and beautiful and devoted to the sensual pleasures. While the city may not excite in the same adrenal-overload manner as a fast-paced hub like New York City, San Francisco trades the shocks of hustle and bustle for a slower, deeper, and richer sense of continuously unfolding appreciation.

Hotels in Mumbai: The City of Dreams

Mumbai, with its involvement in trade, business and commerce, stands tall as the financial capital of India. It also houses one of the largest and extremely dynamic film industries in the world, Bollywood. The city well-recognized by the epithet ‘The City of Dreams’ has also been compared to the American city of ‘Los Angeles’ by the budding Hollywood actor from India, Lavrenti Lopes.

5 Things to Do in Calais

It’s the shortest ferry from the UK mainland and Calais is still a popular destination for English day-trippers. But if you’ve ever been yourself you may have been surprised at just how little there was to do. In this article I am going to reveal five popular things to do on your day trip in Calais.

Geneva: Young Traveller’s Guide

Geneva, Switzerland, is a beautiful city. It is orderly, impressive, and safe. There are inspiring parks, superb classical music venues, and interesting museums that are created to delight the conservative nature of the Swiss as well as its guest visitors. If you can handle the high prices, book a flight to Geneva and enjoy its allure.

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