The world’s greatest smashburger is in … France? (Bubu Burger FTW)

Top Ten Things to Do on Rajasthan Tour

The largest Indian state, Rajasthan is one of the most vibrant and colorful states in the country. It has been one of the best destinations for tourism in India. It is worldwide praised for its rich heritage and unique culture & tradition.

Scruffy Boy Does Daylesford

Funky, sophisticated, a great destination – these are all terms that have been used to describe me but could also be used for the country town of Daylesford in Central Victoria. The region is known as Spa Country due to the wealth of mineral water that flows beneath its surface but could be for the number of day spas on offer. I have been coming to this area for years so let me give you the lowdown on this successful rural community.

Los Angeles From an East Coast Point of View

I have come to know Los Angeles is a truly magnificent and even magical city. But like every city, L.A. is to a degree a mixed bag. It has its problems and some sections are unsafe. But the strength of L.A. is in its people who are as a whole very positive, young-minded, energetic, creative, and friendly. L.A. is a dynamic city, full of life, yet rooted in the realities of the present. But I have just begun to explore it.

Moving to Portugal: Public Holidays in Portugal

Moving to Portugal is a whole new experience. If you want to explore the Portuguese culture and learn about local traditions, then you should familiarize yourself with the major holidays. The public holidays in Portugal usually commemorate a special occasion or religious celebrations.

New York City – The Peaceful Global Capital

Located in the New York State, New York City is the central part of the New York Metropolitan area. It is important due to many reasons. It is the most populous metropolis in the US and it is one of the world’s most populous cities.

Enjoy a Regency Period Experience in Jane Austen’s Spa City

Somerset’s premiere city is undoubtedly one of the most popular cities in England; this is largely due to the city’s magnificent architecture, the wonderful legacy of history through the ages and the fact the city offers visitors a wonderful cultural array of festivals and celebrations throughout the year. One such event is the annual Jane Austen Festival which takes place during September; the festival celebrates the life and works of one of England’s most famous female novelists, Jane Austen, and the period when she was a resident in the spa city of Bath.

Growing Up in Singapore

I carry a Singapore passport. My great grandfather probably set foot from China generations ago. No, he possibly set sail on a flimsy fisherman boat, because his hometown was famous for sailors.

The Backpacking Tourism Boom in Singapore

Don’t be a tourist. Plan less. Go slowly.

Why Visit Bangkok?

Hectic streets and traffic, bustling markets with countless bargains and cheap tasty bites, the distinct engine noise of the tuk-tuks, shimmering skyscrapers and mega-malls contending for the skyline with the grandest of temples, you are in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. As one of the world’s most visited cities, Bangkok has everything a cosmopolitan traveler can aspire for- exhilarating nightlife; the infamous Go Go bars, impressive Buddhist temple compounds, museums for the cultured, street markets selling anything from pet pythons to fake Gucci watches, and lavish branded goods in luxurious shopping malls. Bangkok is truly a traveler’s…

National Library of Singapore Thrives in the eBook Age

The National Library of Singapore first opened its doors to the general public at the iconic old National Library Building at Stamford Road in 1960. After the hugely contested demolishment in 2004, it moved to the 16-storey modern establishment at Victoria Street in the following year.

Living in Portugal: Working and Employment in Portugal

If you are an expat living in Portugal or you are planning to move to this country, then you should learn a few things about the Portuguese lifestyle and employment opportunities. This European country has never attained the popularity of Spain as a destination for British expats, but it does represent a less expensive version of its Iberian neighbor. Anyone who works here must contribute to Social Security and pay taxes.

A School Trip to the Opal Coast

When headed to the Opal Coast on a school trip, students will appreciate a stop in the main city of Calais. It’s well worth the time.

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